Center for Precision Industry beginning to take shape

Center for Precision Industry beginning to take shape

Buchs/Sennwald SG – The municipality of Buchs in the St.GallenBodenseeArea (SGBA) is currently the scene of an interesting new construction site. In close proximity to NTB Interstate University of Technology, work for the Center for Precision Industry Swiss Rhine Valley/Alpenrheintal has started. The construction of the first building is already well underway. Brusa Elektronik AG will offer a total of 350 jobs in the new premises.

The purpose of the Center for Precision Industry is to provide a home to start-ups, SMEs and other innovative companies active in the areas of precision technologies, digitalization and ICT. Joining forces in building this tech center, the municipality and town of Buchs, real estate company Lippuner Immobilien AG, the Office for Economy and Labor of the Canton of St.Gallen and NTB Interstate University of Technology intend to offer interested companies a “state-of-the-art business environment and infrastructure”. Brusa Elektronik AG from Sennwald is among the companies looking to set up shop at the Center for Precision Industry.

A specialist in electric engines and charging systems, Brusa recently announced in a press release that the construction of a commercial building had been initiated. This represents the first stage of the Center for Precision Industry development project. Brusa is poised to be the lead tenant of the new building, where it is planning to employ a staff of 350. The company also informed that the new location in Buchs will host its international development headquarters, with Brusa also using Buchs as a base for its international customer relations department. In the context of economic development, Brusa’s project also provides evidence for the benefits of the business location SGBA itself, including an excellent research environment and the great potential to attract and retain expert talent in the region, Brusa further explained.

The five-story building currently under construction has been designed to meet all the requirements of a state-of-the-art industrial building with modern work-place specifications, while complying with sustainable energy and building technology standards.