
Raiffeisen drives forward digitalization

St.Gallen - Raiffeisen Schweiz is to launch a digital capital marketplace for the bond market in Q1 2020. It will be the first Swiss bank to realize a project of this type.

Raiffeisen Schweiz is expanding its digital offering and “proactively participating in the digitalization of the Swiss financial market”, as outlined in a press release issued by the bank headquartered in the St.GallenBodenseeArea. In Q1 2020, a digital capital marketplace for the Swiss bond market will be launched, allowing issuances to be digitally processed in full and connecting Swiss bond issuers with investors.

Issuers will be able to carry out all necessary steps via the new platform. These include recording the deal, book opening, signing the contracts and arranging the bond issuance. Market players will additionally receive support from “recognized financial market experts”.

Raiffeisen is also planning to continually expand the platform after its launch and integrate new products and solutions on a consistent basis. A subsidiary of Raiffeisen, the start-up Valyo which is based in Baden AG, will be responsible for the implementation of this project.