
Sustainability week to be held again

St.Gallen – The University of St.Gallen, the St.Gallen University of Teacher Education and the University of Applied Sciences of St.Gallen have held a sustainability week. After the success, the event should take place next year as well.

Numerous workshops were held during Sustainability Week St.Gallen according to a press release from the University of Applied Sciences of St.Gallen (FHS), which held the sustainability week a few days ago together with the University of St.Gallen (HSG) and the St.Gallen University of Teacher Education (PHSG). Examples of products from participants were self-mixed cosmetics or beeswax wraps. Sustainability in sport was a particular focus.

Sonja Hasler from the HSG was the project lead for the sustainability week and is quoted in the press release, saying: “Overall, the week was a huge success.” The workshops, discussion groups and stalls were visited by around 400 people in total. Hasler adds: “We have achieved our aim of raising people’s awareness of the subject of sustainability in sport.”

It is still uncertain whether the Sustainability Week St.Gallen will also be held next year but the chances are good. According to Hasler, it is highly likely that the three universities will hold their joint project again next year, saying: “As the team was composed of students from different disciplines this year, the subject of sustainability was able to be examined from various perspectives. Also, the collaboration between the three universities was successful and its reach was vast. I see a great opportunity to further connect the universities with joint projects.”