
Bühler raises mill efficiency

Uzwil SG – Bühler says industry must take responsibility to tackle the challenges posed by climate change and the demands of our growing population. At the Bühler Networking Days, the company is presenting relevant solutions, such as an efficient mill.

On 26 and 27 August, “Uzwil will once again be at the center of the global food and mobility industries for two days”, Bühler writes in its press release on the Bühler Networking Days. This event will bring together “over 800 decision-makers and partners” from these industries to discuss “how it will be possible in 2050 to feed a global population of almost ten billion people sustainably and healthily and how to ensure their mobility”. Bühler has secured distinguished speakers including the former Norwegian prime minister, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and the Chief Technology Officer of Nestlé, Stefan Palzer. “The fact that so many manufacturers, scientists, industry partners and startups are coming together here today shows that the industrial community is prepared to bear its responsibility and to become part of the solution,” says Stefan Scheiber, CEO of Bühler Group.

According to Ian Roberts, Chief Technology Officer at Bühler, “we must radically change our behavior as industries, as companies and as individuals”. Bühler has raised the bar for its own sustainability goals. Rather than the original goal of 30 percent, Bühler’s next-generation process solutions are now to “use 50 percent less energy, consume 50 percent less water and produce 50 percent less waste”, the press release revealed.

Bühler will be presenting some of its solutions that contribute to this target at the Networking Days. One is the Mill E3, a revolutionary concept for the milling industry. The three Es stand for the efficiency levels of space, time and energy, Bühler explained in a different press release. The mill consists of pre-assembled modules and installation is therefore 30 percent faster than conventional flour mills, while at the same time being 30 percent smaller in volume. Its energy consumption is also reduced by up to 10 percent, “without compromising yield or quality”.