
Berlinger launches anti-doping bottles

Ganterschwil SG – Berlinger Spezial AG is to launch its anti-doping security bottle BEREG-KIT Geneva in the coming days. The innovation will make it more difficult to counterfeit doping samples or tamper with existing ones.

Berlinger unveiled the new security bottles in June. For security reasons, no photos of the bottles have been published. Delivery of the bottles is now scheduled for the coming days, the company from the St.GallenBodenseeArea has announced.

In developing the BEREG-KIT Geneva, Berlinger Spezial AG considered examination reports produced by the McLaren Commission on behalf of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Although the new bottles look almost identical to their predecessors, experts at Berlinger Spezial AG can identify any doping samples that have been counterfeited or tampered with.

Berlinger worked hard to ensure that the new security features of the bottles “have no impact on how they are handled and how doping samples are provided”. As a result, there will be no changes to how either athletes or supervisory authorities use the bottles.